Project Description: The Poster Presentation Expo project asked students to analyze a song of their choice, drawing together musical parameters of Harmony, Rhythm, Melody, Texture, Timbre, Form, Lyrics, Social Narratives, and Sampling as relevant to their selected song. Students were asked to synthesize a complete interpretative argument about the song's meaning and social impact from the findings of their musical analysis. This project is intended to approximate poster presentations students might be asked to give later in their careers at academic conferences, industry conventions, or research fairs.
In MUS 4953, a major theme and learning outcome was learning how to talk about music to general audiences with little musical background. And what better way to cultivate that skill than to have my students do just that — presenting their research and song analyses as poster presentations in UTSA’s Student Union! We had a great turnout, with many students familiar and unfamiliar with music stopping to listen to the students present their research. While the Poster Presentations cannot be replicated in this digital medium, please enjoy a gallery of photographs capturing the Poster Presentation Expo. Photos posted with student permission.